Most people's portrayal of doing a genocide: Traumatic and you're going to regret it
Gatkid's portrayal: Ebic dance slaughter
Most people's portrayal of doing a genocide: Traumatic and you're going to regret it
Gatkid's portrayal: Ebic dance slaughter
This just felt so fun to watch
The 3d effect mixed in with 2d reminded me so much of across the spider-verse but with a significantly greater charm
Agent: Oh ma god it's Sanford!
*Engineer and second Agent enter the room*
Agent 1: Hey guys! It's Sanford, what should we do?!
Agent2: Pretty sure we're supposed to uhhhhhh
A2: Hey, Engie? What're supposed to do when we see Sanford again?
Engineer: *Engineer.gif has stopped responding*
Engie: ! Oh wait we're supposed to shoot him, we should probably do that now
A1 & 2: Uhhhhhhhh you first
Engie: Sure, what's the worst that ca-
dude you said it was really funny
Jut a dumb guy making dumb stuff hoping y'all enjoy
Age 17, Male
Joined on 8/1/23